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How lovely and such good advice! I may do the same with Trev this morning as I got up early and don't have to be in work until half an hour later than usual today. I love these fresh mornings - they really do help to blow away the cobwebs. Right, just reaching for the wellies :) x

love the pics,the mornings are certainly changing & becoming autumnal,the colours are changing & there are conkers underfoot. i walk my little man every morning it is my first job of the day & that is when i tend to think & try to wake up slowly,if i have to walk oscar at a different time my day dosent feel right! when are we going to see some pics of florence? xx


I know exactly what you mean, 20 minutes of peaceful walking with the dogs running in the distance sets me up for a days work in the best possible way.

Sue xx

Pauline Wilkinson

I usually do this around spring time, i take my 2 beloved Weimararner dogs Amber & Ellie with me to the beach, 5 mins away from my house. Its lovely to smell the fresh air first thing in the morning. We have the beach all to ourselves.
Going to start up again, through Autumn.
Starting 6am tomorrow.
Thanks for the inspiration. x


I appreciate all of your posts on coping with stress. I have started doing this, ( then dropped it. You have reminded me how beautiful and serene it felt. Thank you.

I can't promise getting up an hour earlier! But you're right about the silence. I try and drive to work without the radio going, and get some head space that way.


Cute ribbed scarf!

I think the other important thing that you touched on is just taking a few moments - wherever you may be - to be grateful for all the things (or people) that make our world a better place - even if we don't always feel it!
I really do take time to count my blessings every morning and it is also a great way to start a day.(you are braver than me - getting up an hour earlier!!)
Cally xxx

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