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Hi Nicky,
Glad you are feeling better,still suffering at this end!!
Clever you,love the idea with the flower painting,might try that myself & relieve some tension with the rolling pin at the same time!! xx

Mrs Bun

What a beautiful gift. So hard sometimes to find the time, but I bet you were so gald you did.

Lisa x


Glad you are feeling better.No time is a good time to be ill ,but especially not now!I imagine your friend will be so touched and thrilled that you took so much time and trouble to make that lovely card.

Bellaboo :0)

Anne Donald

Some years ago I was on a stand at a quilt show. On the next stand was a quilter (whose name I've forgotten) demonstrating how to do flower printing - but she used a hammer ...... three days of her going bang, bang, bang ......

sheila c. titcombe

Hope you are on the mend now. With all this *weather* nasty things are certainly doing their rounds !! Loved the keepsake box. I too am going to have a go at the flower bashing .......... loved Alys Fowler's programmes, so inspiring. Regarding the bomb site house, my Mum says dust only gets so thick then no thicker !!!


Sorry to hear that you have been sick. I LOVE the pressed flower behind linen! You have totally inspired me. I have a thing about pansies at the moment, and you have put a little thought in my head ... :-)

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